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from discovery to recovery

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A legacy of care in our family clinic. You are in safe hands and our care is for a lifetime. Get in touch today.

Meet the Executive Team

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Both brothers have envisioned creating a family clinic where patients feel part of the family.  Their vision is always about treating each patient one-on-one, creating connections and allowing patients to experience what a true Hair Restoration should be. 

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FUE Methods

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FUE with Sapphire Hair Transplant

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant is an FUE hair transplant procedure conducted by using special blades made from sapphire instead of steel blades. The sapphire blades feature a V-shaped pin. This V-shaped pin allows for smaller and more accurate incisions. Meanwhile, the fact that the blades are made from sapphire and not steel virtually eradicates the risk of irritation. This makes sapphire follicular unit extraction a possibility even for those suffering from allergies.

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DHI - Direct Hair Implantation

Direct hair transplant is a surgical technique that moves individual hair follicles from the back of the scalp called the donor site to a bald or balding part of the scalp known as the recipient site. To achieve a successful DHI a minimal transit time between graft harvesting and implantation are imperative.  Our team will use 'graft implanters' to achieve a high percentage of graft survival rate. This mechanism permits great success.

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Stick and Place Technique

The stick-and-place (S&P) method of implantation is a technique where the doctor makes an incision and immediately places a graft into the site. 

Since skin is elastic, the openings begin to shrink almost immediately after they are created.  To counteract this effect, surgeons will make larger openings.  In S&P we will create smaller openings and fill them with healthy grafts immediately. 

One Patient a Day
Premium Hair Transplant

Our hair transplant clinic has an affordable, one-patient-a-day policy.  Our whole team will only be with you and spend as much time as is needed to make a successful operation. We have a world-leading facility renowned for our surgeon’s leading results that have helped alter the stigma around hair loss in both men and women. Our procedures are revolutionary compared to tired-looking clinics and traditional mentalities that show factory-like procedures. We have dedicated an immense amount of time to ensure communication after the procedure is at its excellent quality. 

Contact Us

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FUEHUB Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

+90 542 858 40 37
+44 7737 735 510

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri



8:00 am – 8:00 pm

9:00 am – 2:00 pm

9:00 am – 2:00 pm

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